
平成21年度組織的な大学院教育改革推進プログラム「臨地教育実践による高度な国際協力人材養成プログラム」主催 国際ワークショップ

主催・共催・その他 平成21年度組織的な大学院教育改革推進プログラム「臨地教育実践による高度な国際協力人材養成プログラム」
種類 研究集会
対象分野 国際関係,戦争・平和・災害・開発
対象地域 中東・南アジア
開催地方 関東
開催場所(詳細) さくらホール


Sakura Hall at Japanese Language Center for International Students, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
http://www.tufs.ac.jp/info/campusmap.htmlAddress: 183-8534 3-11-1, Asahi-cho, Fuchu-shi, Tokyo http://www.tufs.ac.jp/info/map-and-contact.html
開催時期 2010 年 01 月 29 日 13 時 10 分 から 2010 年 01 月 29 日 15 時 10 分 まで
プログラム 題目:「アフガニスタンの平和構築―カンボジア、インドネシア、スリランカの教訓を交えて」



Chair: Prof. Kenji Isezaki, Head, Peace and Conflict Studies, Graduate School of Global Studies, Tokyo University of
Foreign Studies, Japan

[Session 1: Presentation]
Keynote speech “Afghanistans Achievements and Challenges”
His Excellency Eklil Ahmad Hakimi, Afghanistan Ambassador to Japan
“Afghanistan’s Current Situation”
Najibullah Amin, Lecturer, Faculty of Law and Political Science, Kabul University, Afghanistan
“Peacemaking and Peacebuilding in Aceh”
Muhadi Sugiono, Lecturer/ Former Head of the Center for Security and Peace Studies, Gadjah Mada University,
“Waging War to Make Peace: The Case of Sri Lanka”
Dr. Sisira Pinnawala, Associate Professor, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
“Post-conflict Peace Building in Cambodia”
Dr. Trond Gilberg, Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations
Director, Peace and Conflict Studies Institute, Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia

[Session 2: Panel Discussion]
Panel Discussion by all speakers with Keiko Sakai and Yasuyuki Matsunaga, Professors at TUFS
Q&A session
概要 Currently, the international society is paying a great deal of attention to the situation in Afghanistan. In December 2009,
the US President, Barack Obama, announced the reinforcement of 30,000 soldiers as part of his new Afghanistan
policy. In response to this new policy, intellectuals from Afghanistan, Cambodia, Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Japan will
gather to share experiences from their own countries and analyze this new policy. They will examine the influence this
new policy will have towards the situation in Afghanistan and exchange opinions.
参加費 -
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言語 英語(通訳なし)
連絡先 要申し込み: gcp_info@tufs.ac.jp

Aya Fukuda, the Global Campus Program Office, Peace and Conflict Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies
Tel: 042-330-5452 /Email: gcp_info@tufs.ac.jp
URL http://www.tufs.ac.jp/info/events.html#100129
その他 -