
Indian independence Promoting Regional and Human Security: a retrospective

主催・共催・その他 共催:人間文化研究機構「現代インド地域研究」国立民族学博物館拠点・京都大学拠点と京都大学グローバルCOEプログラム-生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」
種類 研究集会
対象分野 政治・経済・法律,国際関係,社会・文化(宗教,民族,ジェンダー,移民)
対象地域 日本,中東・南アジア
開催地方 近畿
開催場所(詳細) 開催場所:
京都大学吉田キャンパス病院西構内 稲盛財団記念館3階大会議室(333号室)
開催時期 2010 年 02 月 03 日 09 時 30 分 から 2010 年 02 月 04 日 15 時 40 分 まで
プログラム 60 YEARS OF INDIAN INDEPENDENCE. Promoting Regional and Human Security: a retrospective

Dates: February 3rd and 4th 2010
Venue: No. 333, Inamori Foundation Memorial Hall, Kyoto University
Sponsors: Kyoto University, National Museum of Ethnology, University of Calcutta
(This international conference is held as a part of NIHU Program “Contemporary India Area Studies” and Global COE Program “In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa”.)
Paper presentations: 20 mins followed by 20 mins of discussion

Wednesday, February 3rd

9:30- : Registration

10:00-10:20: Welcome and Introduction: Professor Nobuko Nagasaki, Ryukoku University


10:20-11:00 Suranjan Das, Vice Chancellor, University of Calcutta: ‘India at Cross-Roads: Historical Perspectives

11:00-11:40 Crispin Bates, Edinburgh University/National Museum of Ethnology & Subho Basu, Syracuse University, The Paradoxes of Indian Politics: a dialogue between history and political science.

11:40-12:00 Break for coffee

Economic Change

12:00-12:40 Asish Kumar Roy, former Vice-Chancellor University of Kalyani, and member of the Executive Council, Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies, Kolkata: ‘Inclusive Growth and Human Security in India

12:40-13:20 Takahiro Sato, Kobe University: ‘Indias macroeconomic performance in the long-run’

13:20-14:40 LUNCH

Political and Social Change

14:40-15:20 Mushirul Hasan, Director, Academy of Third World Studies, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi: ‘The Minority Question in India

15:20-16:00 Kazuya Nakamizo, NIHU/Kyoto University, ‘Democracy and Violence in India -An experiment of Bihar- ’

16:00-16:20 Break for tea

16:20-17:00 Ann Gold, Syracuse University: ‘Rural lives and livelihoods: Perceptions of security in a Rajasthan village’

17:00-17:40 Antony Sagayaraj, Nanzan University, Nagoya: ‘Microfinance and Gender: a retrospective - an empirical study with special reference to Tamil Nadu’
18:30- Reception

Thursday, February 4th

International Relationships

10:00-10:40 Jayanta Kumar Ray, Former Centenary Professor of International Relations, Calcutta University, and currently Chairman, Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies: ‘India 1947-1991: An overview of Traditional and non-Traditional Security

10:40-11:20 Om Prakash Mishra, Pro Vice-Chancellor, Indira Gandhi Open University, New Delhi: ‘Traditional and Human Security in India: the case of the North East

11.20-11:40 Break for Coffee

11:40-12:20 H. S. Vasudevan, Director, Maulana Azad Institute of Asian Studies: ‘Trading Strategies, “socialist orientations” and perspectives on Human Security in India’s External Relations before and after the Cold War

12:20-13:00 Takenori Horimoto, Shobi University, Kawagoe: ‘India and China: Ambivalent Relationship’

13:00-14:20 LUNCH

14:20-15:40 ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION. Human and international security, democracy and stability, equity and growth: achievable, or incompatible objectives in the era of globalisation?
概要 Dear All,

We will hold an international conference “60 years of Indian independence Promoting Regional and Human Security : a retrospective” at Kyoto University on 3rd and 4th February, 2010. Tentative Program is available in our website
(http://www.indas.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/article.php?story=20100203_en ) and
will update the latest program.

If you wish to participate in this conference, please contact our office at the following E-mail address indicating your name, affiliation and E-mail address. Please also let us know whether you would like to attend the reception.

INDAS office (Ms. Seto)

E-mail: indas_office<at>asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp (Please change <at> to @ when
you will send us mail.)

This International Conference will be held under the joint auspices of Kyoto University, National Museum of Ethnology and University of Calcutta.
It is a part of NIHU Program “Contemporary India Area Studies” and Global COE Program “In Search of Sustainable Humanosphere in Asia and Africa”.




さて、このたび、人間文化研究機構「現代インド地域研究」国立民族学博物館拠点・京都大学拠点と京都大学グローバルCOEプログラム-生存基盤持続型の発展を目指す地域研究拠点」およびカルカッタ大学の共催により、国際会議“60 years of Indian independence Promoting Regional and Human Security: a retrospective”を開催することとなりました。プログラムの暫定版は、ホームページ(
http://www.indas.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/article.php?story=20100203_ja )にて随時更新していく予定です。皆様方のご参加を、心よりお待ち申し上げております。


E-mail:indas_office<at>asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp (<at>をアットマークに変更してください) 


NIHU Program “Contemporary India Area Studies”

参加費 -
対象 -
言語 -
連絡先 「現代インド地域研究」事務局
E-mail:indas_office<at>asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp (<at>をアットマークに変更してください) 
URL http://www.indas.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/article.php?story=20100203_ja
その他 -