
第171回 東南アジアの自然と農業研究会

主催・共催・その他 東南アジアの自然と農業研究会
種類 研究集会
対象分野 社会・文化(宗教,民族,ジェンダー,移民),言語・文学・芸術
対象地域 東南アジア
開催地方 近畿
開催場所(詳細) 京都大学大学院アジア・アフリカ地域研究研究科
開催時期 2015 年 06 月 26 日 16 時 00 分 から 2015 年 06 月 26 日 18 時 00 分 まで
プログラム Reorganizing Diversity: Rubber, roads and resettlement in northwestern Laos 
概要 The natural and human landscapes of mainland Southeast Asia are undergoingtremendous transformations. In this talk I will discuss how biocultural diversityis being reorganized in northwestern Laos. The main drivers of change in this region are the spread of rubber, the upgrade of roads and the relocation of people. From the ecological perspective, the forest-fallow mosaic that has
dominated the upland landscape is yielding to monocrop industrial agriculture.
From the human perspective, diverse ethnic minorities that previously lived in small villages across the mountains are now being concentrated in rapidly growing multi-ethnic villages along the roads. These developments are promoted in the name of market-oriented income generation and enhanced access to government services. Critical analysis of this model of development suggest
increasing poverty and livelihood instability. There also is talk of a ‘cultural crisis’, although studies dedicated to cultural dynamics in these situations have
been few and far-between. I will take language as one indicator of cultural change, and examine how the multilingualism that has characterized local society is being impacted by landscape and livelihood changes. In doing so, I hope to shine some new light on the linkages between natural and human diversity in local landscapes.
参加費 なし
対象 どなたでも
言語 日本語
連絡先 大出 TEL 075(753)7839 /e-mail: oide[at]asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp
柳澤 TEL 075(753)7345 /e-mail: masa[at]cias.kyoto-u.ac.jp
URL http://www.asafas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/seana/index.html
その他 東南アジアの自然と農業研究会6月例会のお知らせです。

