
2016年度次世代WS/国際シンポジウム「ロシアのエネルギー資源と持続可能性」International Symposium on Energy Resources and Sustainability in Russia

主催・共催・その他 The Japan Consortium for Area Studies (JCAS)
The Slavic-Eurasian Research Centre, Hokkaido University (SRC),
The Japanese Society for Comparative Economic Studies
The Graduate School of Advanced Leadership Studies, Kyoto University (Shishu-Kan)
種類 研究集会
対象分野 国際関係,歴史・地理・建築,戦争・平和・災害・開発,自然環境・農林漁業・食品
対象地域 スラブ・ユーラシア
開催地方 近畿
開催場所(詳細) Shishu-Kan Hall, Hihashi-Ichijo Building (B1F)
1 Nakaadachi-cho, Yoshida, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8306, JAPAN
開催時期 2016 年 10 月 22 日 12 時 30 分 から 2016 年 10 月 22 日 19 時 30 分 まで
プログラム 12:00-12:30 Registration
12:30-12:35 Opening Remarks by Dimiter Savov Ialnazov (Kyoto University, Professor)
12:35-12:50 Briefings by Dai Yamawaki (Kyoto University, Ph.D. Candidate)

Energy Resources in Russia: In a Domestic Context


Moderator:Dimiter Savov Ialnazov (Kyoto University, Professor)
Speaker:Jonathan Oldfield (University of Birmingham, Reader)
‘Russia’s Move towards Sustainability in Historical Perspective ’

Speaker:Kenji Shinohara (INPEX Corporation, Senior Analyst)
‘Rosneft – A Gigantic State Company in a Transition Period’

Speaker:Dai Yamawaki (Kyoto University, Ph.D. Candidate)
‘Efficient use of energy resources and its hindrances in Russia’

Discussant:Dimiter Savov Ialnazov (Kyoto University, Professor)

14:30-14:45 Coffee Break

Energy Resources in Russia: In an International Context


Moderator:Victor Gorshkov (Kaichi International University, Associate Professor)
Speaker:Misako Takahashi (Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director)
‘Changing Global Energy Landscape and Low-oil Price Environment
– Implications for Russia’

Speaker:Shinichiro Tabata (Hokkaido University, Professor)
‘Economic Development of the Arctic Regions of Russia, Based on Oil and Gas Production’

Speaker:Anna Melkina (Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Graduate Student)
and Daiki Nakaoka (Kyoto Sangyo Univeristy, Ph.D. student)
‘Energy Relations between China and Russia: A Focus on Belt and Road Initiative’

Discussant:Victor Gorshkov (Kaichi International University, Associate Professor)
Amane Kobayashi (Keio University, Doctoral Programme)

16:15-16:30 Coffee Break

Energy Resources and Sustainability in Russia: Where is Russia headed?


Moderator:Dai Yamawaki (Kyoto University, Ph.D. Candidate)
Panelists:Jonathan Oldfield (University of Birmingham, Reader)
Kenji Shinohara (INPEX Corporation, Senior Analyst)
Misako Takahashi (Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director)
Shinichiro Tabata (Hokkaido University, Professor)
Victor Gorshkov (Kaichi International University, Associate Professor)


Overall summary and closing remarks by Satoshi Mizobata (Kyoto University, Professor)

18:00- Networking Reception
概要 【Objectives】
Energy resources in Russia have a great impact on sustainability of its economic system domestically and on sustainability of our earth system internationally throughout energy trades and policy negotiations with other economies. Exploring their domestic and international aspects, this Symposium aims to provide more comprehensive understanding of energy resources in Russia. In this context, this Symposium is divided into three sessions as follows.
In the first session, we try to reveal energy resources in Russia, focusing on domestic affairs such as behavioural patterns of state-owned energy companies, historical and present situation relevant to energy and environmental resources in Russia. In the second session, our focus is put on energy resources in Russia in an international context, for instance, energy trades and policy negotiations in an international market. Finally, a roundtable ‘Energy Resources and Sustainability in Russia’ is organised with speakers to advance the topic and exchange our research results with a broad discussion. This Symposium also creates an opportunity to further raise the visibility of the potential ‘industry-academia-government’ cooperation on a broad spectrum of the thematic issues.
参加費 -
対象 学生・研究者
言語 英語(通訳なし)
連絡先 【Contact Us】
For any questions and further information, please feel free to send an email to
Dai Yamawaki (Mr.), Ph.D. candidate, Graduate School of Economics, Kyoto University
Eri Tsuruha (Ms.), Master’s student, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability, Kyoto University
URL https://www.gsais.kyoto-u.ac.jp/blog/2016/10/03/20161022
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