

主催・共催・その他 【主催】 地球環境戦略研究機関(IGES)、京都大学東南アジア研究所、地域研究コンソーシアム
種類 研究集会
対象分野 自然環境・農林漁業・食品
対象地域 東南アジア
開催地方 近畿
開催場所(詳細) 京都大学東南アジア研究所稲盛財団記念館3F中会議室
開催時期 2016 年 12 月 16 日 14 時 00 分 から 2016 年 12 月 16 日 16 時 30 分 まで
プログラム 【プログラム】
Bramasto Nugroho(ボゴール農科大学林学部森林管理学科教授)
"Forestry Research on Policy, Governance and Institutions in
Indonesia: Challenges and Opportunities".

Agus Setyarso(インドネシア林業専門家認証機関議長)
"The Development of Forest Management Unit (KPH) as New Governance in
Forestry in Indonesia"

"Enhancement of ecosystem services in production forests of East
Kalimantan for the benefits of local foresters"

"Forest Management and Rural Development for SDGs: Implications from
Cases in Southeast Asian Countries and Japan"


Prof Bramasto Nugroho is a professor in forestry policy and institution.
He is member of Forestry Policy Division, Forest Management Department,
Faculty of Forestry, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) and lecturing
courses of forestry policy analysis, forestry development policy, forest
resources management institution and forestry governance. His research
topic focuses on policy, institutions and governance with various
objects like transaction costs in forest utilization business, micro
credit institutions for supporting development of community forest
plantation in outside of Java and small private forest in Java,
financial management system for Forest Management Unit (FMU) and the
opportunities of FMU financial self-sufficiency, institutional
arrangement for payment for environmental services (PES), REDD+ and Low
Emission Development. His recent activities are facilitating governance
improvement for PERUM PERHUTANI (forestry state own enterprise) that
supervised by Department of Research and Development of Indonesian
Anti-corruption Commission (Litbang KPK), supporting the preparation of
Low Emission Development (LED) Planning in Locally Appropriate
Mitigation Action of Indonesia (LAMA-I) program funded by DANIDA in 2
provinces and 6 regencies, member of expert team for acceleration of
development and operationalization of FMU, and resource person for
various FMUs policies and regulations.

Agus Setyarso is basically an academician, associated with Gadjah Mada
University and Institute of Stiper Yogyakarta, Indonesia. He is
currently the Chairperson for the Professional Certification Body in
Indonesia Forestry (LSPHI). He is also the chairperson for the Academic
Chamber of the National Forestry Council of Indonesia. His passion in
SFM can be traced back in 1984 when he established the first ever Forest
management Unit (FMU) outside Java, Indonesia. He continued to FMUs at
Sumatra and Borneo during the period of 1993-1996. In 1994 he joint a
group of imminent persons to establish Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute
(LEI) and then became Chairperson of LEI board. He joined WWF Indonesia
in 2000 to 2004 to produce guidelines to combat illegal logging in
Indonesia and to promote forest certification. He formulated timber
legality definition and then facilitated the standard of timber legality
and its verification system (Indonesia TLAS). He joined the expert panel
in drafting Government Regulation NO 6/2007 which mandated the
government to established FMUs all over Indonesia. He was assigned as
the National Executive Secretary for the development of FMUs
(2012-2015). He is still a senior adviser to the Secretariat. His
passion to promote SFM is also indicated by continuing effort to promote
certification for personnel in forestry.
概要 インドネシアでは、1998年のスハルト政権崩壊後、地方分権化に伴う森林伐採許可の乱発や違法伐採によって、森林の劣化が進行しました。一方、ユドヨノ政権以降、森林管理制度の再構築が進み、森林管理区(KPH)やインドネシア木材合法性証明制度(SVLK)などの先進的な政策や制度が導入され、森林劣化抑制の努力が続けられています。これらの新しい取り組みは、マレーシアなど他のASEAN諸国にも波及しつつあります。そのためこのような森林管理政策・制度の実態とその効果についての研究が望まれています。
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言語 英語(通訳なし)
連絡先 【お問い合わせ】
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