TopPage > Steering Committee Organizations
Chairman: Supervises the Steering Committee.
Annual Meeting Section: Plans and organizes the annual meeting where all member organizations congregate.
Research Planning Section: Plans cross-organizational research involving member organizations and utilizing the JCAS network.
Next-Generation Support Section: Supports young scholars (e.g. doctoral students, research assistants, and assistant professors) in their research and planning.
Research Exchange Promotion Section: Promotes exchange among researchers and experts, within and outside the consortium.
Public Relations Section: Administers the area studies information portal site and publishes newsletters.
Journal Section: Distributes research results information by editing and publishing the academic journal in Japanese entitled "Chiiki Kenkyu" (Area Studies).
Information Resources Section: Integrates area studies information from various sources to make it available for research.
Social Collaboration Section: Utilizes knowledge and information on area studies for on-site support and solutions in the event of natural disasters or conflicts.
Area Studies Research Methodology Study Group: Pursues methods to enable area studies to evolve from "connoisseurship" to something more accessible to the modern world.
JCAS Award Section: Commends individuals or organizations for significant contributions to the development of area studies
Administration Office: Responsible for the entire secretarial duties.